Sunday, September 22, 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013

Admission. Hatred. And Finality.

It's been a long time since i've posted anything on this blog. I know, half of you probably don't care by this point. However, this one comment on DonkeyWhail a.k.a Dong Hoon's blog got me thinking. It was a harsh comment, and I don't really like the person for saying it. But I realised something, and that was that the comment was stating the blunt obvious truth.
So, what started off as a blog for me to start ranting on has travelled all the way to become my emotional and stress-relief crutch. I know I always said that you guys didn't really matter to me, but in all honesty, I always had fun knowing that people were reading what I was writing for them to half enjoy. It was a fun short while, but now.

I hereby decree, on September 2nd, The Blog of 'My War on the World' is now closed and shall no longer operate. The comment which left me thinking also hurt me. Alot. Fine, I'm using this place as my emotional stress relief. And I also hate/love my friend. It's absolutely none of your buisness and you shall not interfere with my problems. Anyone else who interferes in my own problems without my permission can say goodbye to ever knowing me.

And so it is, I, say goodbye to my Blogging Identity, put down my keyboard, and resign from this seat. I hate you commenter, and let yourself think about what careless intervention has lead to. If you want to read the comment, pester Dong Hoon about it because now. Well I'm going away. Maybe I'll come back. Maybe b I won't.

But now,

Peace out Girl Scouts.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

How To

Welcome to Jae's How To.
In this show we ( I) Will be showing you HOW TO do stuff.
Today, I will be showing you HOW TO fold the INFINITE CARD

Get a piece of paper.

Go follow Jae around until he fold you one.
(I was bored)


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Boring Stuff that you really don't want to read. I.e Mum.

Me :I'm pretty busy today mum. I gotta practise for this show thingy <===== (Note the deliberate use of thingy to not reveal the exact nature of the show) , and some assignments and stuff.

Mum :What? What sort of show?

Me :Uhhhh..... Just... a show, put on by the school...


Me :....... O.o

Mum :It's only for one day right?

Me :Yeah.....

Mum :(Extremely long sigh) Fine. Whatever.

Me :....... (Bitch)

Mum :Jesus christ, why are you entering this you stupid little prick? You can't even finish your work on time without these worthless distractions and now you're entering this stupid show. What do you seriously expect to achieve with this? You don't even have any talent you little fuck. I really don't see a point to these shenanigans. You're so shit that I hardly reckon you'll get anywhere in both this and your normal life. I mean,just look at you, you're a skinny little prick who can't do anything properly. I mean, you're so stupid you got a D in Science last semester. You're so bad at piano it's a wonder you've gotten tihs far. You suck at sport so much because you never eat anything. And you're so weak you're not even worth paying any attention to. Every cent I spend on you is a waste. I could be funding poor children who don't have an education right now. But because of stupid regulations and rules, I'm being forced to spend it on you you little wasteful bastard. As soon as you finish college, I'm kicking you out of the house so you can go ahead and kill yourself then for all I care. In fact, why don't you just go outside and die on the road now? You're a worthless piece of junk like every other car runs over. I hope you know that as soon as I can kick you out of the house, I'm not giving you any money so you better find a job now and start working because I'm not going to even pay attention to you after that.
Back to my original point, why are you even going to enter this talent show? You're so bad at singing and playing piano. Do you really think you can do anything with THAT kind of skill? You can't even get a practical report written right. It's a wonder you haven't been kicked out of LEAP yet. I bet all of the teachers are shaking their heads at you and thinking 'This one's a lost cause. He doesn't deserve to be in LEAP'.
*And it goes ooon and ooon and oon and ooon* (Don't stop Believing  reference)

Me :..... (Thanks mum)

*Note* The Above ^^^^ Abuse that I typed into here, is all the things that she said about me at that time. There was possibly more.All the things said to me above are all things she said.
Gee I have a great mum.

Peace Out Girls Scouts

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Master Plan

Trust me, this will work.
If we pull this off
Our work we shirk.
And watch the greatest plan of all.

I have this plan!
This genius plan.
The type which ought to
Put us behind the bars.
But it's risk versus reward.
Do you want to spend the rest of your life
Sitting behind the counter?

You are a coward and
a Chicken!
 I can see you're refusing
So I will close my hand of help and
leave you to rot in your
cell you call your mind
which traps you and
decays you slowly
bringing you to your DEATH!

Should I take this hand?
If I do my life is complete yet also over.
I would be higher than I ever was,
And yet be dealing with the scum
Of the Earth.
This is not how I expected it to be
But with choice all against me!

 Sir you have chosen right
And you will soon be
One of the most famed
And renowned people in the world
So let this Master Plan go on!
And Watch your ranking rise!
(You will then fall like the scum you are,
And you can watch as everything you knew crumbles back around you)


My (Mis)Adventures through Elo Hell

I'm sorry for those of you who can't understand this foreign language I will be speaking for this blog post but. I need to speak about this.

E-L-O Hell. The very rock bottom of the pit of retard. Player cannot get worse than in ELO Hell. Seriously. The very idea of a 'Ranked Game' also kinda doesn't make sense. Of course I talk all the time about raising my Ee Ell Oh, but honestly, some part of me stays confused. I say to myself... What??? I'm playing a Free-to-play game, competitively, with players I have NEVER even met before, in my life. And I'm screaming and raging at them along side many others. And I don't understand, why i get so mad about a game, which gives me no benefit, other than rather unusual entertainment.
I feel as though, every ten players, you'll have somebody who understand that it's a FUN game, and we shouldn't stress over this 'RANKED GAME' , because we're not pros. So we sit and talk calmly while we're losing, about our lives. Not that of the game. And Yet, 9 out of those 10 player, will scream, rage, flame and hurl abuse at you, just so they can get that extra lp to get them into their cardboard 5 promos.
There's something very wrong about that, and me.
Oh my head hurts.

So League has a lot of toxic players on it. It's hardly surprising to see some random you've never seen before start to insult you and call you an all manner of names.

-Commence Writing here-
That was from... No wait. That was for... Bad way to explain it.... O.o
Okay. The above thingy was because I was writing it from a few days ago. And I'm writing the second part to this post a while after I wrote the first one.

So Toxic player. You usually get those people in every games, unless it's something like a maths game... And even then there are probably those really smart kids who look down on other saying like. OMG You can't solve the problem if x = y+ 257776738475665 / 982657615487627986 - 665656 x 42? YOU SUCK!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!  and all that jazz. So bascailly... I'm losng track of all thoughts now and I don't know half of what I'm actually saying.
I'm just trying to say, don't let the toxic player get you down, just as they say, practice makes perfect. Although a little less in this case because gaming is quite bad for your health if done at extended time (Unless it's an fps shooting game, then a few scientists have managed to prove that fps games actually improve your eyesight by slight amounts) EITHER WAY. Yeah. Just stay positive, and...

IDK go get a life. Unlike me.

Peace Out Girl Scouts.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

-Insert Title Here-

So basically everyone around me seems to be having some sort of relationship prob-

SUP (I forgot to say herro)
Herro dere

-lems. Except for me. Which I kinda have mixed feelings towards. First, I don't have to be stressing about how I look in front of this or that person, or even WHO I like in some instances. So instead I can lax a bit and enjoy my time a bit more, instead of hopelessly trying to chat up a girl. I mean, sure it's nice having company around, but I think I prefer it more when I DON'T don't have company, I like the nice and quiet, and I also like it how there isn't an awkward silence between each and every conversation.
However, yes it does get lonely. :P I mean, silence is good and all, but everytime I end up alone somehow, even if it means just parents out of the house, or I was off doing my own thing for a while at school, I feel the silence pressing in on all sides of me like a vice, and that's when I start wishing I had at least someone to talk to. Also, not having a crush on anybody makes me feel like a heartless bitch. I mean, it's not that I don't care for people... I just find it... disheartening to talk to many people, because when the conversation comes to an end, they usually had that look of 'I had better things to do, I just wasted three minutes of my life talking to this guy'. I'm a people person, I'm just not a conversation guy. If you want to talk to someone, talk to Nick. Some form of entertainment guaranteed.

Soooo..... I don't know why.
You know what. I'll just avoid everything else.
Much Like DongHoon. I'm confused. And If I make the wrong move.
Something bad might come crashing down on me.
I don't like the sound of that.
So I'll just wait a while. I'll see what I can do, and when the time is right, you'll know.

Don't ask me how, it just somehow ended up this way.

Peace out Girl Scouts